
Some scientific facts on autoimmune conditions.

Autoimmune conditions develop when 3 things happen together.

3 causes of a leaky gut

Autoimmune conditions develop when 3 things happen together.

1- you have a genetic disposition (this is outside of our control)

2 - toxin overload  or exposures 

  - food sensitivities

  - stress

These are generally lifestyle related and within our control.

3 - Gut permeability or leaky gut which can cause an immune response. 

(this is within our control because we can repair it.)


If you remove just 1 of these 3 factors the condition can be prevented, put into remission or symptoms reduced.

Sometimes there are genetic conditions that might be lying dormant. If we keep our gut healthy or bring it back to health we can control these genes and prevent them from being activated. 

I will be giving you tips in the next few weeks to learn what is leaky gut, the root causes, the symptoms and how to improve our gut health.

Always remember, God made our bodies to be such an incredible mystery. Our bodies are meant to heal themselves.  We just need to help it along in the right direction.


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